The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94306   Message #1854927
Posted By: Old Guy
10-Oct-06 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stupid Spammer Made-up Names!
Subject: RE: BS: Stupid Spammer Made-up Names!
When you fight spammers, you might as well fight a coke machine. They have no soul or morals or consideration. They are like Mafia hit men.

They have programs that create all these names. The garbled up stuff is the results of a program designed to write spam that slips through the spam filters. There is not 100% effective spam filter and if there was, it would be compromised in a few days.

Spammers have programs that scan the internet for open mail servers that will relay thier spam and hide the origin of the spam. When a mail server is set up, it defaults to open relay. In China and third world countries. thay simply don't know and don't care how the mail servers are setup. This facilitaies the spam.

The only thing you can do about spam is to avoid letting the spammers get your address. Do not post it on the net and do not use it to contact anybody but friends. Use a free Yahoo or Hotmail account for dealing with anybody other than your friends.

I do it and I have not received any spam since Sep 9th.