The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95160   Message #1855005
Posted By: Amos
10-Oct-06 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
What blows me away to the point of stunned incredulity is that one dickwad can, by stupidity and personal insanity, bring about the horrors of mutilation and death to thousands of men, womeen and children under the pretense of "saving them" and this mindless mass we call the Republican Base will stand stock-still for it like a huge herd of stunod beeves lining up to contribute to In'n'Out Burger. Mayhem, murder, the death of infants and young girls, blood in the streets and complete chaos in the land, no problem.

But one fat white guy whips out his dick at the wrong moment and, oh, Katy-bar-the-door, the entire party is suspected of deep immorality. The suspicion is right enough, but for all the wrong reasons!

This is absolutely mind-bogglingly insane. Are these people so deep in their hypnotic sleep that they will countenance raw bloody murder in silence, but scream bloody murder because someone sends dirty emails?

Foley is unforgiveable, in his little world of lust for young men, because it is so blatant a breach of his notional conduct code. But the net harm done is a mere scratch on the paint compared to a drunken driver causing a head-on collision and wiping out two families in a minibus or something.

Jumping Jesus Christ on a crutch--what IS it with these people?