The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95363   Message #1855017
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
10-Oct-06 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Agony Column Leeds 79/80 T. Bliss?
Subject: RE: Agony Column Leeds 79/80 T. Bliss?
Yep, Bassic - sure remember Ethel the Frog.
Red Eye too - they did a 'Fondling the Floorboards' tribute to our (Luigi's) 'Feeling the Ceiling' - the very album I mentioned above that's currently on sale at £1512.66!!!

Les, the Ag Col were a fine band indeed - I'm glad you liked the clip - doubly so - in that my blue clicky must have worked then!
Other fine bands that Hadd the Hall in that era were....
Dodgy Tactics, Knife Edge... and (sadly, the late) Dale Hargreaves Flamingoes many more...
Recall any Tom? Come on...'Switch' on and 'Play games with me'
Hugs - D