The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1855384
Posted By: Bobert
10-Oct-06 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
And further more, while Bush continues to sandbag on what he did in rwesponse to Katrina, Governor Blanko has released ****all**** of her notes, emails, phone records, letters, etc., etc...

I'd just be happy if Bush would do the same but he has a major credibility problem and every time he screws up "executive priveldge" ain't too far behind... Might of fact, "executive privelidge" oughtta me the hallmark of this corrupt administration...

And, BTW, Oldster, you have referred to Cat 5 storms in yer danged unteenth un-rebuttal... Are you aware that Katrina was a Cat 3 when it hit New Orleans???

And hjow do you feel about Bush thumbin' his nose at a Repub controlled Congress in tellin' Congress that, in essence, it's none of their friggin' business if he wants to hire Donald Duck to run FEMA??? Yeah, answer me that one...

And can you point out to the first post where you agreed with me that that Bush, not the Dems, is "100% responsible for guttin' FEMA"??? Seems as if yer finally coming 'round but sho nuff would have been nice if you'd come 'round before that seemingly endess un-rebuttal of blamin' the Dems for screwin' up FEMA...

Sho nuff would...
