The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95304   Message #1855573
Posted By: GUEST,Tunesmith
11-Oct-06 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jack Straw and 'The Veil' controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Jack Straw and 'The Veil' controversy
People can follow any religious belief they want as long as it doesn't intrude into the lives of others. Wearing the veil does! It makes a very big statement! A statement I don't want to see paraded on the streets of Britain. Already veil wearers are being attacked, and it will only get worse! Keep religion in the churches, mosques and synagogues, and not in the work place or high street. This includes getting rid of the practice of the ringing of church bells, or the next thing we'll have is Muslims demanding that every town has a call for pray eminating from a minaret.