The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95167   Message #1855807
Posted By: ebola
11-Oct-06 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
Subject: RE: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
The more innocent the Vic
the more horrific the crime.

The more horrible the crime
the more goosebumps for the Prep.
What separates Roberts
gunning down the Amish schoolgirls from

Bush sending the young to war or
Foley preying on teenage papes
or kids detonating mullah-bombs in
mosques and malls and marketplaces?

The men are sick all over the world.
Parasites of their own humanity.
Don't you believe this is all about sex?
Feel my power, baby! Feel my doom.

Always remember Marian Fisher....