The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95282   Message #1855856
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
11-Oct-06 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Easiest instrument to learn
Subject: RE: Easiest instrument to learn
As for Pipe and Tabor :-
Drum usually played with stick held in right hand and pipe in left hand. Holes are not offset, so could just as easily be played "left handed".
Bottom 3 holes on tin whistle are at same distance from end of pipe, but on tabor pipe the first hole is on the back of the pipe for the thumb to cover. You can play the same tunes on a "taped up" penny whistle, but the fingering uses three fingers rather than thumb plus 2 fingers.
All notes on the scale of a tabor pipe are overblown, the highest become overblown to the extent that the actual fingering becomes less important than your determination that it plays the note in your head. If you think the note hard enough it comes out.
Personally I prefer the 4 hole pipe. The 4th hole produces the same effect you can get by half covering the end of a 3 hole pipe, but is more convenient to finger. It gives an extra accidental (an extra "flat" I think) so you can play in different keys than standard pipe.