The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95453   Message #1856180
Posted By: The Sandman
11-Oct-06 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: Musical Traditions Magazine,
Subject: RE: musical traditions
Fred Mccormick[ amhran]your resorting to your usual tactics.
i first noticed this when you queried Jim carrolls qualifications as a collector, then during the kennedy thread you were blatantly rude ,then last night you joined in a personal attack on myself and my name ,so that the moderators had to close the thread.
now you wont answer the question, but again come up with a smart alec remark .
you owe me an apology for your puerile behaviour on the dick miles folklore thread.
lastly can you sing and play ,when you can ,[ please give me a list of clubs and festivals you have done] and have played as many festivals and clubs, as i have done, then you can talk about whether I have got it or not . your behaviour reflects poorly on musical traditions.