The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1856262
Posted By: Bobert
11-Oct-06 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Old Guy,

You can give up on yer "prove it" line of defense... I think that anyone with an I.Q. greater than that of a box of animal crackers fully understands that there is no way I can prove it and there's no way that you can prove the converse...

Kinda like smoking cigarettes... If Joe Blow smokes 2 packs of cigarettes for 30 years and dies of lung cancer there isn't any way to "prove" he got lung cancer from smoking cigarettes...

This is a rather weak line of defense on your part and from here out, rather than try to re-explain what is apparent to any thinking person to you, when you make this very juvililistic argument I', just going to respond simply by sayin' "No, you prove it...", something that you have been unable to do so far...

Now as to Bush thumbin' his nose at his Republican controled Congress: Read "Bush Balks at Criteria for FEMA Director, Signing Statement Asserts Right to Ignore Parts of the New Homeland Security Law", by Spencer Hsu, Washington Post, October 7th"...

"Ignoring Law(s)"??? Hmmmmmmmmm??? Seesm that Bush ain't never met a law not worth breakin'...

As for me usin' editorials in may case against Bush's handling of Katrina, Old Guy, show me one post where I have quoted an editorial writer... Unlike you, I use real news sources, form my own judegments and make my own arguments... Might of fact, in the years I have battled nuckleheads like you over various failures of the Bush folks I have never rersorted to using any editorialist's material...

And lastly, Old Guy, FEMA failed because it was gutted and mismanged... It didn't fail becasue of the shufflin' of seats... That happens all the time... It could have been more effective had it had resources, vender contracts in place and a boss intellegent enough to know when he was told 2 full days before the storm that it was gonna be "the big one" that it was time to get to work... But, no, not only didn't Bush get to work but he continued vacationin' away and ****then**** went to California for some politicin' and fund raisin'?????????????????

I mean, this is a friggin' *****slam dunk***** here against yer hero, Old Guy... Everyone else who has shown up here to defend "George the Crook" has quickly seen that there is no real defense of yer hero... Yet you continue to play these childish arguments????????????

I have now figurated exactly why you like Bush so much... You two are peas in a pod... Joined at the lip.... Nip 'n Tuck... Lucy and Ethel... The Hardy Boys... Sherlock and Watson... Amos 'n Andy... Twiddledee and Twiddledumb....
