The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95455   Message #1856433
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
11-Oct-06 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: white noise machines - any experience?
Subject: RE: white noise machines - any experience?
From personal experience, living close to noise that regularly occurs will eventually result in it being ignored. For MOST people, this is BEFORE you froth at the mouth and shoot everybody in sight, but....

BTW, when I go up to Toowoomba, I stay at a friend's place which is near the main highway thru the town. There are a lot of 'semis' going thru of course, and 'in the still of the night' (sorry!), their brake drums can produce a most haunting musical howling sound.

As for 'white noise', back in the 60s, my dentist got a great new gadget that allowed you fiddle with a volume control that altered the level of white noise fed to your ears, allegedly to help you ignore pain. Didn't seem to do much for me...

I'd recommend trying the use of Valerian before bed. DO NOT MIX WITH BOOZE - that puts me down like a poleaxed hobbit!