The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3575   Message #18568
Posted By: Helen
01-Jan-98 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: Christmas greetings from Down Under
Subject: RE: Christmas greetings from Down Under
Dick Maybe that's why the timing of Easter always comes as a surprise to me - I always thought it was connected to soemthing to do with a full moon or something - the *n*th full moon after Lent or whatever - Don't ask me, I just look at the calendar :-)

But no, we have Easter the same date as you - March or April, except that it is autumn (fall) and not spring. It doesn't make much difference in weather though where I come from (east coast, just above Sydney) because autumn weather is gloriously sunny and warm, fantastic swimming & picnic weather. - Just to make you northerners even more envious ;->
