The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95453   Message #1857132
Posted By: johnadams
12-Oct-06 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: Musical Traditions Magazine,
Subject: RE: musical traditions
anonymous GUEST
(the one who wrote: "But by promoting themselves and this seeming* narrow world view as they do, and thus promoting their value system, they do folk music a disservice."

Sorry Guest but I'm not sure where on the MT site to find this narrow world view! It's just got a focus - it can't be all things to all folkies!

MT was a paper magazine with a specific interest range. When it could no longer sustain as a paper publication, a load of us contributed £1000 between us to help Rod set it up as an internet mag so we could continue to see the same sort of articles as we had enjoyed in the paper version.

It's a specialist interest publication with a style of its own. It does no more of a disservice to folk music than any other specialist folk mag such as 'Set Turn and Single' or 'Old Time Herald' or whatever.

Johnny Adams