The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62137 Message #1857266
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
12-Oct-06 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: Freedom Come All Ye, need translation
Subject: RE: Freedom Come All Ye, need translation
[1984:] The most beautiful and the most famous of all these [sixties 'rebel'] songs was written a year before Polaris: "For the Glasgow Peace Marchers, May 1960". [...] It is still sung frequently all over Scotland and beyond. The language is richer [than that of the average 'rebel' song], yet so graphically used that the meaning is substantially clear before any glossary is consulted. It rightly took its place among the anti-Polaris songs, although - or perhaps because - its theme is broader, and the 'roch wind' is depicted as sweeping away oppression and war over the whole world. (Ailie Munro, Revival 74)