The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95460   Message #1857409
Posted By: GUEST
12-Oct-06 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: Iraq War Casualties - 2,660 civilians in 1 month
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq War Casualty Figures

We did not read the report in the Lancet but we did read an interviewe with Les Roberts, one of the main researchers of the study in which he says:

"...this cluster survey approach, is the standard way of measuring mortality in very poor countries where the government isn't very functional or in times of war. And when UNICEF goes out and measures mortality in any developing country, this is what they do. When the U.S. government went at the end of the war in Kosovo or went at the end of the war in Afghanistan and the U.S. government measured the death rate, this is how they did it. And most ironically, the U.S. government has been spending millions of dollars per year, through something called the Smart Initiative, to train NGOs and UN workers to do cluster surveys to measure mortality in times of wars and disasters."

He went on to say:

"In Iraq, there is a huge difference in death rates between, for example, the Kurdish north, which is relatively safe, and the Sunni Triangle, where the death rates are extremely high. And what we did was we got a population estimate of every government, from the Iraqi government, and we randomly allocated these 50 clusters that we were to go visit proportional to the population in each of those governments, so that, if in the Kurdish north there is only 20% of the population living in the couple safest provinces, we would naturally end up with a sample that's 20% or so from that zone.

And then, once we had picked that we were going to visit two or three neighborhoods in a certain governance or province, we would then make a list of all the villages and towns and cities, and again randomly pick one of those to visit, so that big places had a larger chance of being visited than smaller places. And then, finally, when we got down to the village level or to the section of a city, we would pick a house at random, visit it and the other 39 houses closest to it to grab a cluster of 40 houses..."

On the other hand, Bush was quoted as saying, "the methodology is pretty well discredited..."

Onec again we must ask, "Who do you believe?"

Bev and Jerry