The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95306   Message #1857501
Posted By: Ebbie
13-Oct-06 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: Western USA 'Catter Gather--Time/Place?
Subject: RE: Western USA 'Catter Gather--Time/Place?
One lone voice here: I live in cool, moist country where summertime temperatures range from 55 to 75. I gave up going 'south' in the summer some years ago; the only lovely time of day in most of those places is in late evenings and early mornings. And that is OUTdoors- INdoors, in many places, it stays close to 70 degrees overnight. It is to die for- and I don't mean that happily

So, anyway, when it is 85 degrees by 10:30 in the morning and the temperature goes UP from there I'm done for.

There are a number of places mentioned already in this thread that for me would be very doable. If the place you choose is in one of the areas I can't face I'll take a pass.

But that IS OK. Any place that can handle a group like ours, is affordable and is reachable by normal means I would hope the group would go for. Choose a place- and if I can do it I'll be there.