The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1857750
Posted By: Bobert
13-Oct-06 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
The yes-no question is the *bait* and the "prove it" ain't far behind...

Actually, I was the first to set up the "prove it" trap a long time go on you and if you were smart enough not to fall for it I'm sho nuff smart enough to stay the heck outtta it...

But since you say that that you "believe" that the levees would have failed would you now like to offer up what evidence you have collected from reliable news sources???

And, keep in mind, that we are talkin' Katrina here and not a Cat 5 storm...

And keep in mind that part of the levee "system" isn't just the walls but also the pumping system...

Now, Oldster, bring on your evidence... And, please... no editirialists. por favor'...

BTW, if you reread your last post you use the the word "believe" in describing yer position but in your little yes-no trap you take the "believe" option for me out... Hmmmmmm??? Why do you expect to hold me to a higher standard than yourself???