The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95453   Message #1858000
Posted By: greg stephens
13-Oct-06 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: Musical Traditions Magazine,
Subject: RE: musical traditions
I think MT is great. It may be narrow, but that is why it is great. It may be that the experiments of Benjamin Britten, Martin Carthy, Vaughan Williams, Jim Moray etc etc will be seen in the future to be part of the tradition, or it may be they will be perceived as side shoots that used the tradition, but were not part of the mainstream. Only time will tell. Musical Traditions seems to have gone for a senisble policy of not involving itself in guessing games as to whether Ray Davies or Marin Carthy is the boy to tip for the future; they are leaving that verdict to history, where it belongs. They are concerning themself with what thye perceive as the tradition, and they can back up their tview with some very learned analysis. Fair play to them. If you want a magazine that concentrates more on the current folk revivaal, there are some available, and anybody who doesnt like them can start their own. Rod Stradling runs the magazine that suits him. Well done I say. I can fread about the revival elsewhere.