The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95519   Message #1858516
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
14-Oct-06 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
Subject: RE: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
be interesting to know who these idiots think are the cleverest citizens of our fair land - apart from themselves. Hull should pay no attention to what are obviously a gang of rat's arses in human form.

As I've said before on this page, I think the entrance road to Hull is one of the most beautiful of any city in England - having the estuary to your right and the view of the Humber Bridge.

The citizens of Hull have always impressed me with the civility and decency they have shown to me. Also the compassionate welcome they gave to the group of disabled people that I was travelling with as a helper was quite outstanding.

As the original home of the Watersons and the The Hull Truck Theatre Company AND Philip Larkin's preferred place of domicile (now there was a man who knew what was inherently valuable in English society) - Hull has a lot to be proud of culturally.