The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95519   Message #1858688
Posted By: Les from Hull
14-Oct-06 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
Subject: RE: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
Eric - Hull has only been closed once, on 23rd April 1642. You must be really old! click 'ere

I don't know what that original poster's comment about two fine members and the other end of the scale, but if that was meant to be a dig at my mate jOhn then you are so very far from the mark, as the many Mudcatters who have met and correspondend with jOhn here will testify. Anyway, there's MANY more than three mudcatters in Hull.

Sure we're ignorant, stupid, ugly, pregnant, drug-addled, violent, criminals but - It's Never Dull in Hull.

Sorry about out architecture, but you should blame the Luftwaffe for that. And as for the flatness of our landscape - well perhaps some of the towns with more than their fair share of hills will kindly donate some of them to us, we'll arrange pickup.

Thanks also for the support of fellow Mudcatters who have a better idea of Hull. I've had the pleasure of showing parts of our fair City to quite a few fellow 'catters (including visitors from the States and continental Europe) and they've seemed happy enough.

So if anyone wants a better impression of Hull, come and visit. Let me know when you're coming and I'll show you the sights.
