The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3575   Message #18587
Posted By: Bob Landry
02-Jan-98 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Christmas greetings from Down Under
Subject: RE: Christmas greetings from Down Under
As Sheye pointed out, we in Edmonton (North America's most northerly major city - same lattitide as Moscow) experienced the first brown Christmas in living memory; thank you, El Nino. On Dec 26, the weather was +12c, warm enough to allow me wax my car in the driveway. I did see some hardy Northerners walking about in shorts but I'm not that brave. Alas fortunes change. Yesterday, New Years Day, the temp fell to -20 c., exposed skin began to freeze within minutes and I had to shovel the first snow of the season. I'm thinking of writing a new folk song - "Where has old El Nino gone...."

I wish a belated Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hannukah, Merry Winter Solstice, etc. to all.
