The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95524   Message #1858704
Posted By: oggie
14-Oct-06 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: New Accoustic Night in Hull
Subject: RE: New Accoustic Night in Hull
Into Hull on A63, left turn off the main road immediately after the 40 limit sign, straight over the roundabout heading for the hospital. At the lights go straight across and keep going to the end where you need to be in the middle lane to turn left and then right at the lights. Keep straight on to the mini roundabout and turn left. Follow the road on and round the corner, Sleepers is immediately after the railway bridge. You'll have to road park.

BTW the pub over the road 'The Nagshead' has 'Punch the Horse' appearing on Saturday 28th October.

All the best
