The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95519   Message #1858871
Posted By: Paul from Hull
14-Oct-06 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
Subject: RE: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
Well there was the other, time when 'Ull was all but shut in 1980, when Hull Kingston Rovers & Hull FC met at Wembley for the Final of the Rugby League Challenge Cup.

Today happens to be the last day of the Annual, 8-day long Hull Fair, the largest travelling funfair in Europe.

Hull used to be the largest fishing port in Europe too.

Its also said to have the largest Council Estate in Europe, but thats hardly such a proud claim (& a bit meaningless....does Continental Europe have Council Estates?)

In 2003, there was a book & a website entitled 'Crap Towns, & Hull came top of that list too.

So, it may or may not be a grot-hole, but if it is, its OUR grot hole, its built on a swamp, after all, & it doesnt matter what OTHERS think of it, as you need to be here to judge it.

...& Guest who started this, I'm pretty sure that Les would hardly be 'flattered' by the praise of an anononymous individual, & nor am I, nor, I'm sure, does j0hn feel much slighted.