The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95519 Message #1858891
Posted By: Georgiansilver
14-Oct-06 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
Subject: RE: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
I think it is disgusting of whoever decided that Hull should receive such press. Having been to Hull and many other places in UK...I just don't see how they can judge! I would certainly rather live in Hull than some of the other places I visited. Like I was talking to this guy in Scunthorpe about what it would be like to live there as I had heard there was drug and violence problem....He said no more drug prob than anywhere else and little violence.....I asked him what he did for a living and he said..... Tail gunner on an ice cream van.