The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95453   Message #1859283
Posted By: mustradclub
15-Oct-06 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: Musical Traditions Magazine,
Subject: RE: musical traditions
All this correspondence and no one has mentioned the fact that Musical Traditions was originally an occassional and very wonderful magazine edited by my old chum the late Keith Summers. I believe all of the original mag articles including many of the wonderful photo,s are still available via M T either in the archive or on CD Rom. For those of you who did not know the man there is an obit and a page devoted to reminicenses on the M T website. I think its great that Rod has kept the mag going over the website and Fred has done an awful lot of work keeping Keiths wonderful record and cd collection intact.

For anyone with a serious interest in traditional music I honestly think the M T website is invaluable.

Keith's first love was the blues and it was only comparatively late in life that he discovered the traditional music of the British Isles and Ireland he. He admittedly had no great interest in the folk music scene"as such although he was along with Peta Webb and myself the founder member of the Musical Traditions club in London. However neither would Keith be dismissive of the "folk revival" he realised that the revival opened the door to traditional music for many people such as myself.

Ken Hall