The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95519 Message #1859292
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
15-Oct-06 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
Subject: RE: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain.
So THAT'S why I always felt so comfortable visiting Hull ?.
I suppose it all depends on ones perspective. John has told us why it is the best place in the UK.
Subject: BS: Hull= best place in the uk. From: jOhn from Hull Date: 11 Aug 05 - 11:19 AM
i seen a telly programme, it says hull got more fish and chip shops than any other city in uk [about 200],and it also got about 200 kebab ships ans curry ships. and only 5 gyms [gyms are rubbish].
and in hull we got a smoking club, a binge drinking club, and a ferret club.waht more could anybody want in a city?
and hull got loads of pubs as well.
and pound shiops and charity ships.
I do notice that while Hull is good for fish and chips, kebabs and curry, the pizza business can be somewhat dodgy:
Subject: RE: BS: Headbutting.. how ? From: GUEST,jOhn Date: 16 May 05 - 01:03 PM
car keys are good, i used to do pizza delivery on a night in hull, was often aproached by druggies and similar types,trying to steal pizza/money, they never got far! and usua;lly ended up with car keys dragged across their face or smacked across the head with a Maglite, only time that neither of these approaches worked was on a guy high on drugs armed with a craft knife, nothing would stop him, so i ran to my car and ran him over.