The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1859475
Posted By: GUEST
15-Oct-06 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
My understanding is that masons ordered themselves into a guild to protect the "secret" of the keystone...the last stone set in place at the top of an arch. Must have seemed like magic when arches of that type started appearing. And the men who knew how to build them wanted to exclude others (like the oil refiners today limiting the number of refineries). The masons had good P.R. and sold builders on the idea that if it wasn't union-built, the arch would come crashing down. They probably even tore down arches that didn't have the proper symbols carved into them.

Centuries passed, and like all bureaucracies, the masons grew into much more than the simple organization they first were. Like conglomeration in business. The masons had a strong networking service and sought to bring new blood into it (professional blood, like lawyers, politicians, etc.), so the mission of the organization changed. It was opened up to men of other professions.

But then the masons started getting greedy. They wanted CONTROL over various aspects of society, and the quickest way to get that control is through politics. So that's where their focus is now. And over the centuries they've merged with some pretty unsavory other clubs in order to achieve political power. Luciferians, for example. And since the stronger will prevail, the masons are now under the control of some bad, bad people.

Or that's what I've been able to piece together. Like I said, 99.9% of masons are what Lenin called "useful idiots." They serve a cause they know nothing about. They do their good deeds, and that's commendable. But they do it under threat of death, and that's bad. The upper .1% knows what's going on, and those people are mucho bad. Sworn to kill their own families if the masons order it. That's about as low as you can sink.

Don't join, that way you can speak out against the organization and not violate their oath. And push for the barring of masons in politics. That'll never happen, of course, so question them when they are in public, campaigning. Make them SAY they belong to a club they can't talk about. Membership in such clubs may have awed voters a hundred years ago, but today it's the kiss of death. Drive masons out of their offices by turning over their rocks. Expose them to honesty.