The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95524   Message #1860397
Posted By: Bassic
16-Oct-06 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: New Accoustic Night in Hull
Subject: RE: New Accoustic Night in Hull
Just spoken to john9, most of the info comes from a fly-er he was given by the organiser who said tonight was the first night, so maybe it is his first night as organiser. Honestly cant tell you any more than that. I wouldn't travel all the way from Grimsby Tim, if you are going to be disappointed if it turns out to be plugged in and not unplugged. At least not until we have a report from tonight. However if you don't mind and want to come anyway I am sure you will be welcome. All it is advertised as is "Acoustic", which these days seems to mean a small PA for the singers and Acoustic Guitars plugged in as well, though I may be wrong. Hope that helps. Try giving the pub a ring, don't have the number to hand but I am sure directory enquiries would have it.