The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95581   Message #1860429
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
16-Oct-06 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Drivers using mobile phones
Subject: RE: BS: Drivers using mobile phones
There have been studies(I'll source them when I can) that have demonstrated that driving while taliing on a cell phone, hands free or not, is as dangerous or more so than driving legally drunk.

IF anyone cared, cars would be made to contain a farady cage that would block ALL cell phone signals....

Same with movie theatres and resturuants and schools and libraries. (There is a nano-paint that's being or has been developed that can be 'wired' to block cell phone reception with the flip of a switch)

If you want to talk on a cell phone, go the FK outside with the smokers...