The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95581   Message #1860450
Posted By: mandotim
16-Oct-06 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Drivers using mobile phones
Subject: RE: BS: Drivers using mobile phones
On the subject of distractions and those who say even hands-free is 'dangerous'; I'm not sure what the difference is between answering a call on a hands free earpiece and (say) talking to a passenger, dealing with a lighted object close to your face, soothing fractious children/dogs/spouses, looking briefly at a map, changing the station on the radio, adjusting the seat position, turning the heater up or lets see...we need laws that ensure
-No form of conversation between driver and passengers
-no children or pets to be carried in vehicles unless bound and gagged
-No smoking in cars
-Compulsory satnav
-radios with only a single station
-fixed seating
-no heaters or aircon

Tricky to enforce, don't you think? Life has risks, try it, you might enjoy it.