The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95592   Message #1860455
Posted By: Scoville
16-Oct-06 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: chords: Men Who Love Women Who Love Men (Goodman)
Subject: Lyr Add: MEN WHO LOVE WOMEN WHO LOVE MEN (Goodman)
My college had an annual cross-dressing ball that was one of the biggest parties of the year. The little old ladies at the local second-hand store would put aside a rack of all the biggest donated dresses for the guys; I think the scariest thing I've ever seen was my 6-foot, 225-pound boyfriend in floral polyester. He looked like a refrigerator in a muu-muu. Ha ha. But we all have fond memories.

(Guys, in case you ever need to know this--water balloons make excellent fake boobs . . . )

Here, cleaned up in case it needs to become a Lyric Add:

Men Who Love Women Who Love Men
Steve Goodman

Down on forty-second street,
Where the elite all retreat to greet,
You can see them coming from everywhere,
Every kind of man and woman you will find there.

There are men who love women who love men,
Women who love women every now and then,
There are men who love men because they can't pretend,
They are men who love women who love men.

There are those who make love for pay,
There are those who make love anyway,
Over in the bar with a bottle of scotch,
There are those who rather just watch.

There are those who make love to machines,
That don't talk back and are easy to clean,
There are those who will tell you out loud,
That they can only make love in a crowd.

In the pursuit of true love's joy,
Boys will be girls and girls will be boys,
But it's so hard to know what to do,
When you don't know who you're talking to.

From the album High and Outside
Copyright 1979 Big Ears Music, Inc./
Red PaiaM85 Music, Inc. CASCAP)