The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1860509
Posted By: GUEST,282RA
16-Oct-06 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
I remember arguing with some dumbass named JDENNIS in some other forum. Mr. I'm-a-Freemason-and-you're-not. He kept trying to put over on me that the Masonic secrets are unknown outside the organization. He, of course, is full of shit. Anyone can learn these secrets. His contention was that if anyone could learn them there would be no point to the secrecy. But there is a point to it: I know many of these so-called secrets but I've not been sworn to secrecy. That's the difference. When you take an oath, it has this binding effect on all who have taken it. That's what builds this feeling of belonging, of brotherhood. Doesn't mean shit what these secrets are as long as the organization to which you've joined swears you to secrecy concerning them.

As for the death threats, they're symbolic. Nobody is going to kill you for divulging them. I belonged to a secret club once where I took oaths that WERE and ARE enforced. I could lose my freedom for divulging them. I refer, of course, to the military. They are far more secret and serious about that than the Masons and I guarantee a layman does NOT know these secrets and never will. Now who's more of a threat?