The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95524   Message #1860542
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
16-Oct-06 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: New Accoustic Night in Hull
Subject: RE: New Accoustic Night in Hull
Hey is not that important but thanks for taking the trouble is just the mind set materiel and which guitar to bring that was puzzled about.
I can live with it either way.
If I am truthful I hear or read Acoustic and think great!
Pictures of quiet laid back night in a more traditional sort of pub.
Music that is first hand and personal,needing listening to properly rather than forcing it way in and rattling aroung inside your ears.
Open mikes are great,small amp is great.
If a small amp is enough why do we need them?
Cant be arsed to ring the pub will come with whatever guitar comes to hand and can always enjoy evening listening I not a must play sort of guy.
Looking forward to meeting new folks and hearing new music.
Will be wearing disguise of six footbloke in leather jacket(and trousers etc(not leather))
You wil know me by me having a guitar and a wife with a whistle LOL
Cheers till later Hull