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Thread #95368   Message #1861012
Posted By: GUEST,Gaza
17-Oct-06 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Axis of Evil goes nuclear
Subject: RE: BS: Axis of Evil goes nuclear
If you can take seriously a military threat to the USA from a tiny little Asian nation with a handful of nukes at best, Old Guy, you'd take anything seriously I expect. Get real.

It is not the habit of the USA to resist oppressors, Guest. It is the habit of the USA to resist competitors, label all competitors as "oppressors" whether they are or not...and support any and all oppressors who will cooperate with the plans of the USA.

As such, that has been the habit of all conquering empires since the dawn of time. They all love oppressors as long as the oppressors are willing to do business with the empire on the empire's terms...and they only draw attention to the oppression when they want to get rid of an old leader and replace him with a new one who is MORE cooperative in some way.

The entire Vietnam War need never have happened if the French and the Americans had only been willing to LEAVE Vietnam to the Vietnamese after 1945! And there would not have been a division made into North and South at all, which was the cause OF the continuing war. The only thing that could end that war was for the French AND the Americans to get the hell out of that country for good. They had no business being there whatsoever, not any more than Hitler had any business being in Belgium, Holland or France.

Everyone in those days who tried to pursue an independent path in a small unaligned country was immediately called a Communist by Washington just for doing so. And then left with no choice but to get help from the Communists. So the USA in its incredible ignorance went around the world literally driving Third World people into becoming communists, because they couldn't get help anywhere else if they would not surrender to America.