The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95568   Message #1861069
Posted By: The Sandman
17-Oct-06 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: new venue.. who would you book?(UK)
Subject: RE: new venue.. who would you book?(UK)
I wouldnt book anyone.I would try and build up a good nucleus of singers and musicians, so that singers nights were as strong as guest nights, then I would consider a guest ,
your suggestion, epitomises where many organisations have gone wrong, in relying solely upon guests to attract audiences,
The best venues shouldnt have to rely on guests, but should have a community of singers, musicians and others who will go to the venue regardless of whether a guest is booked.
No offence intended WENDY,.
but I suppose if you dont have that NUCLEUS, i would do this, contact the local [ Ipswich comhaltas society] IRISH MUSIC AND DANCE[ You would fill your venue with performers, have a good night at little cost. then I would contact John Howson[ old hat concert party]
east anglian music, likely to bring families etc AGAIN A FULL NIGHT would also by doing this, spreading the news of your club within the local community.