The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95678   Message #1862992
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Oct-06 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Worst trad Irish tune
Subject: RE: Folklore: Worst trad Irish tune
Tunes are like instruments.

I have heard poor quality instruments played wonderfully and as result, sounding fine and fine quality instruments played badly and as a result sounding poor.

But again some instruments are a joy to play as are some tunes. Some instruments and tunes, you have to work harder at.

But there is no accounting for taste and you will find the same tunes listed as being the worst and the best.

And again a tune that sounds uninspiring on one instrument (or combination of instruments) may sound great on another. To my ear - many boxes will reduce the most exciting tunes to the sound equivilent of 'lumpy gravy'. Others may find banjos have the same effect?

I am trying hard to think of a tune that I always find uninspiring to play or hear. I may hear one tonight.