The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95678   Message #1863069
Posted By: Paul Burke
19-Oct-06 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Worst trad Irish tune
Subject: RE: Folklore: Worst trad Irish tune
Geminiani was apparently Carolan's inspiration for that sort of stuff, he visited Ireland around then. CC is actually very good, it has a lovely drive to it, though if you've only been exposed to Fairport Convention's rather motorboat version of it, it's not so good. When I play it, I always think of Leo Rowsome's version, which he coupled with Two William Davises (I wish).

Breezy, sessions like conversations are best heard from the inside. Some tunes, like some topics, are quickly dealt with, others to be mulled over, looked at from different angles, even argued over before a conclusion is reached.