The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88825   Message #1863235
Posted By: Mr Happy
19-Oct-06 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Subject: RE: Fun With Mangled Lyrics

There the opening city lived in Yap a person.
And Tavern held of fibre.
Householder of the house a report/ratio of the girl had.
Fortunately a small beautiful thing with gilded to be.

Choral society

OH- -, you do not come too much under.
They do not come too much under?
They do not come too much under? I
N Yap opening city.

The night you come a person from the sailor.
And the girl whom it places at the disposal her hand is asked.
"OH- - because, so precisely, with you he said.
With each one, this one that I have, wanted to be stoma tm' W.
"However, if with me you want to remain.
Lax ' chain of the letters round my finger attaches completely.
And since you exceed then precisely, train in chain letters.
And come in Ur landau and under its him.

The time which closes the person of the sailor.
Fibre which has it it in Tavern, goes.
And it that kicks A then, drawn in chain the letters exceeded.
And it came too much under.

And is left in ventricle' tipsy the version of setting.
An opinion for you "chain which it never maintains.
Way similar the letters him.
Had caused with the entourage completely.
The finger appeared which was made a report/ratio.

The sailor remained the total night.
And you have a go early in the morning of the return to its payment.
And it explained to him completely inside Maid messe.
The small beautiful thing with gilded its fortunately.

Very information which it received briefly around.
And the very following night in Yap opening.
Sailor of the city fifteen gave that they draw in chain the letters.
And and, external left came too much its each one A.

Aniseed all the new people who go an opening in Yap.
If you see this beautiful girl be happy their luminous good.
Any form if it sump markings of this one it to continue.
In chain the letters, it to have.
And come in Ur landau and under its him.