The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94284   Message #1863385
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
19-Oct-06 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: MudGather Banbury UK Oct 06
Subject: RE: MudGather Banbury UK Oct 06
Hiya! Well aah've just aboot come doon te earth again after last Sat'day and aah've been rackin' be brains te try te remember faces from the list up there!

It might be me age but mebbe yez can tell uz. Does it tek a few 'gathers' before you 'settle-in' to knaahin' everybody.

Mrs G-P and me had a really nice time and she was very pleased to be there withoot anybody hasslin' her to sing as she's really shy.

Aah'm still a novice so lerruz knaah if there is a 'format' for anything.

It's obvious that chocolate plays a big part in the proceedings and the raffle seemed te be well supported - Aah just wondered if just aboot anything was acceptable te bring - Ye knaah like "The more the merrier"

Te be honest aah cannit wait for me postal order te arrive so aah can sort meself oot for the next gather

Aah love yez aall!