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Thread #95693   Message #1863523
Posted By: lady penelope
19-Oct-06 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should everyone vote?
Subject: RE: BS: Should everyone vote?
In Britain you get called for jury duty from the council tax register. So it doesn't matter if you don't vote.

I think the reason why people don't vote should be looked at.

Mostly, I think people don't vote because they see politics as being removed from their day to day lives. That it's nothing really to do with them. Politics is often seen as something only those who are intellectually inclined and/or rich get involved in.

There was recently a public information 'ad' on British television. It was an animation of two blokes having a conversation in a pub and one says to the other "Oh, I don't do politics" the rest of the 'ad' is taken up by the other bloke stopping 'he who doesn't do politics' every time he made a comment on the state of roads, public transport, water supply etc. etc. by saying "I thought you didn't do politics?"

I think we need to teach people from an earlier age than we currently do, how government is supposed to work for us, not around us.

Mind you, it also needs to be hammered home that if you don't vote you shouldn't bother complaining. If you excuse yourself from the decision making process at the start, why should you be included later?