The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94284   Message #1863626
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
19-Oct-06 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: MudGather Banbury UK Oct 06
Subject: RE: MudGather Banbury UK Oct 06
Aye Fidjit! Aah would LOVE te come te Miskin and have been asked by Miskin MAn hisself a number of times

Y'see me problem is that aah'm the resident MC for the Fareham & Gosport EAster Festival and Mr Cheg akcherlly pays uz te be there... and me bein' the mercenary git wharrah am, aah'm afraid mamon comes before mirth & merriment... But as soon as Mr Cheg dizzent want uz any mair aah'll be up the M4 like a rocket.

My twin (the Barden Of England) made it there last Easter and eeh! wez aah jealous!

But... aah've now been 'blooded' as a 'catter' (aah'm runnin' oot of apostrophes) aah'm ganna be at every one aah can mek it tee

Youze are aall lovely people and aah cannit wait te be in your company again.

Gerruptivit Man!