The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95304   Message #1863991
Posted By: GUEST
20-Oct-06 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jack Straw and 'The Veil' controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Jack Straw and 'The Veil' controversy
I've raised this point above and it's still not being addressed. it was raised, peripherally on Question Time last night. That is that the veil is an insult to men in our society. This teacher would only wear it in the presence of men because she feels she cannot trust them sexually. How does this make them, and the rest of us feel? To be constantly given the signal that we are in some way unclean is not part of our society. Could I ask women to reverse the feeling? How would they feel if men made a visible statement of their uncleanliness and threat every time they entered a room?