The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95720   Message #1864713
Posted By: Bob the Postman
20-Oct-06 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: The Prison Fire
Here is the text from a recording of "The Ohio Prison Fire" by Frank Luther who sure does sound a lot like Carson J. Robison--from a compilation CD called "True Songs Of Tragedy" distributed by The Music Barn.


Locked in the cells of a prison
A prison much too small
Convicts were jammed and crowded
Within that cold gray wall
Four thousand men were living
As only rats should dwell
Iron bars all around them
Living a life of hell

All kinds of men thrown together
Some that were bad from the start
Others who got into trouble
Men really good at heart
Some of them only waiting
For death to bring the end
Others who longed for freedom
To start their lives again

Then came a night of disaster
When all the world held its breath
Fire broke out in the prison
Bringing destruction and death
Iron doors were locked on the convicts
Guards found the keys too late
Three hundred lives were taken
Three hundred souls met their fate

Burned in the minds of the rescued
That scene will never die
Men praying God to release them
Men giving up to die
Men who forgot they were convicts
Struggled with all their might
And in the hell of that prison
Heroes were found that night

Three hundred lives have been taken
And someone should have to pay
For we know that someone has blundered
When men must die this way
Each one was God's own creation
Each with a heart and soul
And God don't want even convicts
To die like rats in a hole