The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91711   Message #1865302
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
21-Oct-06 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spying, Secrecy, and Presidential Power
Subject: RE: BS: Spying, Secrecy, and Presidential Power
And FDR had the balls and conviction to actually ask the nation to pitch in and help the war effort. Consequently we won.

The current A-hole does not ask any sacrifice of anyone here at home (let alone his family and friends). In fact, he tells us to act as if there is no war effort.

If it IS the central front in the war on terror and/or WWIII, why are we not fighting it with the complete national effort we fought the last world war? Why has it now taken longer than it took FDR (and Truman) to win WWII?

Couldn't possibly be the leadership could it?

Must be, because don't you DARE say it's the troops' fault. I got some of mine over there.