The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1865608
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
22-Oct-06 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Sorry Shambles, I have to disagree with you. I do think that Joe might have been better served if he did not make his feelings about you known publicly to eliminate the appearance of "mis-use" of his authority.   I don't think he has done anything wrong other than deal with people as human beings. His emotions are just like any of us.

I also think that you have the opportunity to post your views in other forums, but you have been instructed not to discuss your views about this particular subject in threads other than this. Is it right or wrong? I am not sure. Is it the result of lengthy disagreements that have boiled over for years? Yes. It really should be a private matter.

Giok is right. This has become a circular discussion. I am sure you are going to knock apart the above two paragraphs that I wrote by using quotes gathered over the last 7 years in an attempt to disprove my views.   That is your choice. This ceased to be a fruitful discussion a long time ago. My posting and the postings of others probably say more about our own faults then it does yours. The point is, we all have faults. Mudcat is not a forum where lives are at stake, or our freedom of speech.   We are human beings and like the music that draws us to this site, we wear our emotions on our sleeves. We do not have to read any thread, we do not have to post. Yet human nature draws us to these subjects. We like to see our words in print. We blow off steam by calling people names, knowing that we will never have to face that person and deal with it honestly. We cower under the cloak of anonymity which allows us to be something we aren't.

To make my rambling short - we make mistakes. We deal with it. Live goes on and harping on problems of minor consequence only dulls our senses for the real important issues.   I realize that you feel this is an important issue Shambles, but I hope someday you will realize that even though you have a good case, it isn't worth wasting an effort.