The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3640   Message #18660
Posted By:
03-Jan-98 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mary she heard a knock in the night...
Subject: Mary she heard a knock in the night...lyrics?
Reading a book called The Old Gods Waken by Manly Wade Wellman, and he has some neat songs in it.
One is called, "Mary she heard a knock in the night." Anyone have any info on this? Here are the words I have.

Mary she heard a knock in the night,
And she turned her key of gold
To open her cabin door, and then
She seen three great beardy men
A-standing in the cold.

O Lady Mary, the first man said,
O let us come in at your door,
For to see the baby at your breast
We've traveled our way from the east to the west
A thousand miles and more...

This is all I have. Any info and/or music would be great, this sounds like an interesting song!
