The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95747   Message #1866132
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
22-Oct-06 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wrong sir!
Subject: RE: BS: Wrong sir!
Aw shucks, Bobert ol' boy... Handin me the tail o the bull yer facin' the sitiation with... ah mean... are you that there mighty judge an jury with a keen sense fer deaf'nitions of 'evil doers'? Yer makin' it soun' as plain as the nose on yer face... kinder like yer shoutin' 'bout what ol George is a doin'... like makin all them shades o grey inta technicolor black an white assumtions? Believe you me, ol' boy... Ah ain' got no such preesentiments, an' ahm none to fond o yer arn clad con-victions an jushments 'bout folks ya don' even know... Ah cuts a wide berth 'round them bear snappin traps 'cause they way ya down and make it hard ta hold yer head up fer all the pain an' such. Seems ta me, ifs ah remembers kina correct like... Jesus also said sumpin 'bout lettin' him who is without sin ta be throwin them first stones... hmmmmm?

But heck if it ain't so... Ah loves yer melodromatic meanerin's... an' that you, ma frayund, aw one spunky ol' beacon o light... an we needja ta shine it cayfully. Ja heah... ehu wippasnappa?