The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95156   Message #1866282
Posted By: Ross
23-Oct-06 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds October things 2006
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds October things 2006
Happy Monday

It's open mic this week at the Bull on Wednesday (25th) - all styles seem to appear

Message from Theo at Unicorn:

North Hertfordshire's favourite Ceilidh Band LAUGHING GRAVY return after the summer break, re-vitalised and refreshed, to offer the very best of English acoustic dance music to the renowned Unicorn Ceilidhs.    Based on years of experience, the band's style is firmly rooted in the English tradition, but draws its influences from far and wide. French, Scottish, Welsh and American roots are explored in an eclectic repertoire that gives energy to the dancers, and leads them into the figures and forms of the dances. Featuring fiddle, accordion, melodeon, rhythm guitar and bass, the arrangements combine to keep the dancers up all evening!

Caller for the dance is our good friend and most excellent supporter of the Ceilidhs – MALCOLM NORTH. Under Malcolm's spell everybody becomes a better, more athletic dancer – or so it seems!

The interval entertainment this month is from local side BALDOCK MIDNIGHT MORRIS. Please note this is a change to the advertised entertainment.

Unicorn Ceilidhs take place generally on the last Friday of the month at Hitchin Town Hall, Brand Street, Hitchin. Tickets will also be on sale for our grand New Year's Eve 'BIG CEILIDH' – last year they sold out by November, so get your tickets early!

Doors open at 7.30 for an 8.00 p.m. start, with an 11.30 p.m. finish – entry is only £7.50 for adults and £4 for children under 14. Tickets are available at the door, or in advance from 01582 733113 / 724261
There's also a real ale bar, with a selection from the Potton Brewery, and soft drinks.   

For more information, visit