The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95801 Message #1867135
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
24-Oct-06 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: much talk about Muslims
Subject: RE: BS: much talk about Muslims
Excellent discussion! I have two Muslim son-in-laws so I have a lot of contact with U.S. Muslims (95% American born.) The Muslim religion in this country has done a great deal to pull blacks out of a devastating spiral into illegal drugs and crime, by taking their faith into prisons and inner-city areas. The social stance of Muslims has changed dramatically over here since the sixties and the militant black power advocates. There is a sincere desire for living in brotherhood among most black muslims in this country. The prejudice here (other than lingering prejudice among some whites toward blacks) is toward anyone who looks like they might be Middle Eastern. They might be from the Middle East and be Jewish, or Christian or Atheist, but persuasion of beliefs isn't visible unless someone is wearing traditional clothing that identifies them.
I'm really pleased to see such an intelligent, non-inflammatory conversation going on here.