The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95156   Message #1868040
Posted By: Scrump
25-Oct-06 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds October things 2006
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds October things 2006
Ta for that Ross! Some of the things I've got lined up over the next few days are just me going to see things rather than take part in them, apart from a gig on Saturday (can't remember what/where for the mo - might be a private one, I need to check), and rehearsals for different things on the other nights.

I'm planning to go and see George P at Wymondley and Fairport in the Plinston, as in Alan's announcement above (those are the 'watch and listen' ones) so if you or any other Mudcatters are going it would be nice to meet up over a beer (at least in Wymondley, don't know what they have in the Plinston, probably keg rubbish but I could be wrong - let's hope I am!)