The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1868405
Posted By: Elmer Fudd
25-Oct-06 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Aw shucks, how did I miss even getting close to 1300? I've been off chasing wabbits again, far from hearth and home.

Lots of thoughts, I see, about messages from loved ones at the moment they die or soon after. When my father died after a miserable year of illness, the next day I felt his presence near me, radiating light. I'm not one who looks for ooga-booga phenomena, and was much too exhausted at that moment to have an active imagination. So I do believe it was a real feeling of his presence. He was like a happy, hyperactive kid, bouncing off the walls and ceiling and doing cartwheeels and somersaults. I felt that he was letting me know how happy he was to be free from his tired, sick, painful, old body.
